Senior Pictures in Unique Locations 

If you don’t want your senior pictures to be like everyone else’s,  SMHerrick Photography will help you and make sure you have Senior Pictures in Unique Locations.   

Senior Pictures and Great Locations

This picture was taken at Gale Woods Farm right before a wedding.  We didn’t have “permission” to take this picture, in this particular setting, as it was right before a\the wedding,  but that didn’t stop us.  We ran in, posed, took the photo, and ran right back out. And of course, we did not disrupt the setting or move anything. We are always respectful and would never do anything to ruin a Bride’s day! 

You don’t come across this kind of unique setting every day. When you do, make the best of it. What are some unique places that come to your mind when thinking about your Senior Pictures?  An old car, old building, old movie theater,  your favorite restaurant,  a beautiful lake or river?   There are so many different places to make your senior picture that are unique and that can be unique to you. SMHerrick Photography will help you find the right locations for your session.

Let me know your thoughts and be sure to drop me a message and follow my posts!

Read more about my Senior Pictures process.

Ready to schedule your Senior Portraits?

Check out the latest senior pictures pins! Senior Pictures Ideas and Inspiration.